Solutions for Cyber Security

How mobile and connected TV (CTV) intelligence can be leveraged for
Mobile Security Analysis, Malware Detection, App Verification, and More!


Mobile and Connected TV (CTV) Platforms


Published and Unpublished Apps


App Publishers
    Google Play StoreApp StoreTencentAmazonHuaweiGoogle TVAmazon Fire TVLG TVRokuSamsungApple TVVizio


Google Play StoreApp Store
Boost Security With Thousands of Data Points on 20m+ Android, iOS, and Roku Apps

The best cybersecurity businesses need the highest-quality app intelligence!

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Everything You Need for App Malware Detection

Power your cybersecurity products, services, and solutions with comprehensive insight into app, publisher, and SDK intelligence. Get started with our security-focused datasets, which provide insight into:

  • APK/IPA Resources and File Structures.
  • Integrated SDKs and Tech Stacks.
  • App Signing Certificate Hashes (i.e. SHA-1, SHA-256, and MD5).
  • APK File Hashes (i.e. SHA-1, SHA-256, and MD5).
  • Static URLs.
  • Permissions.
Everything You Need for App Malware Detection

Use Our File Dumps, APIs, and Explorer Platforms to:

  • Detect malware and potential data privacy concerns.
  • Spot apps that break the terms and conditions of app stores.
  • Uncover strange publication and ban histories.
  • Catch unusual app permissions.
  • Match apps across app stores.
  • Uncover risky SDKs.
  • Determine where SDKs send user data.
  • Set daily, weekly, monthly, or event-based alerts for key apps and SDKs.
  • And more!
Use Our File Dumps, APIs, and Explorer Platforms to:

Security Analysis and Risk Assessment

Leverage thousands of metrics for in-depth app security analysis. Perform detailed risk assessmentsand attack surface discovery. With 42matters, you can:

  • Run dynamic and static analyses of APKs for malware detection and unpacking encrypted apps.
  • Enhance cybersecurity measures through data enrichment and SDK mapping.
  • Create privacy risk reports for apps and demonstrate the implications for users.
  • Monitor apps for suspicious activities and exploitation risks.
  • Provide IT and security teams with comprehensive views of cloud and internet-exposed assets.
Security Analysis and Risk Assessment

App Validation and Publisher Verification

Catch copycat apps and developers operating within the mobile and CTV market. Double and triple verifyapps and publishers via:

  • App Certificate Verification — Find reliable developers by checking certificates and associated apps.
  • APK File Verification — Compare hashes of APK files with official versions from app stores.
  • Developer Verification — Request additional fields such as Developer ID and Email Address in data sets.
App Validation and Publisher Verification

Keep Tabs on Key Apps, Developers, and SDKs

Once you’ve verified individual apps and developers, you can use 42matters to keep tabs on them. Use our intelligence for:

  • App Lifecycle Monitoring — Use historical data dumps to track app lifecycles, including when they’ve been removed from app stores, to check app compliance and perform competitive analysis.
  • Usage and Performance Analysis — Dig into historical and geographical usage trends with insight into monthly active users (MAU), downloads, and other performance metrics.
  • Review Analysis — Catch fake reviews, spot when app reviews are missing or have been deleted, and analyze review sentiment for inappropriate content.
  • SDK and Web Domain Analysis — Regularly audit integrated SDKs and web domains for software development and web analysis.
  • Developer Search and Metadata Retrieval — Search for apps by developer to collect metadata for commercial analysis.
Keep Tabs on Key Apps, Developers, and SDKs

Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM)

Pull app names, packages/IDs, icons, and Android certificate fingerprints (SHA1, SHA-256, MD5). Gaininsight into apps with suspiciously low downloads,bad ratings and reviews, and more. Keep employees productive and corporate data secure via comprehensive whitelisting/blacklisting based on:

  • Vendor names, location, and app descriptions.
  • Categories, genres, and IAB categories.
  • SDKs and permissions.
  • Version histories and changelogs.
  • And more!
Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM)

Mobile and CTV App Market Analysis

Perform market analysis for leading app stores. With 42matters, you’ll be able to:

  • Track changes across app stores using data dumps and API searches.
  • Analyze app permissions, version histories, and privacy policies.
  • Identify all unpublished apps and their counterparts on various app markets.
  • Identify competitor SDK installations for strategic sales opportunities.
  • Utilize data for competitive market analysis and understanding industry landscapes.
  • Leverage historical data to identify app trends and patterns over time.
  • Discover and analyze apps related to specific companies for business intelligence purposes.
Mobile and CTV App Market Analysis
Access 42matters' App Intelligence image

Access 42matters' App Intelligence



Explore iOS, Android, and Roku apps. Check for compliance issues, brand violations, risky SDKs, intrusive permissions, and more.

SDK Explorer

SDK Explorer

Browse iOS and Android SDKs. See which apps trust them and catch suspicious removal trends. Gain insight into app tech stacks.



Gain programmatic access to specific mobile and CTV app security insights that are relevant to your business.

File Dumps

File Dumps

Ingest the latest app intelligence into your own tools, including signing certificates, file hashes, static URLs, and more.

Get Started Today!

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The best cybersecurity businesses need the highest-quality app intelligence!

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