‘Appy Easter: The Top Scavenger Hunt Apps

Easter is just around the corner. And while you may have outgrown the egg hunts, that doesn’t mean you can’t partake in the festivities! We’ve identified the top scavenger hunt apps on Google Play and the Apple App Store.

In this article, we’ll cover (click the links below to jump to the relevant sections):

The Top Scavenger Hunt Apps

1. Geocaching® by Groundspeak Inc.

  • Short Description: Go outside and play.
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (Android): 196,737
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (iOS): 630,266

2. GooseChase by GooseChase Adventures

  • Short Description: The best app out there for running your own scavenger hunts!
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (Android): 18,674
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (iOS): 62,957

3. Actionbound by Actionbound

  • Short Description: Play mobile adventures and interactive guides for smartphones and tablets.
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (Android): 20,231
  • Downloads Over the Last 30 Days (iOS): 25,345

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Analysis of the Top Scavenger Hunt Apps

Android Downloads (January 1st, 2022 - April 10th, 2022)

Above you’ll find daily downloads for the Android versions of the top three scavenger hunt apps — Geocaching®, GooseChase, and Actionbound. In particular, this chart depicts global downloads between January 1st, 2022 and April 10th, 2022.

Geocaching has generated 728,185 downloads year-to-date, making it easily the most popular of the three apps. Actionbound and GooseChase have pulled in substantially fewer downloads, managing 55,643 and 52,373 respectively. That’s nowhere near Geocaching, to be sure, but those are not bad numbers all things considered.

Likewise, Geocaching had the best single-day performance, notching 20,824 downloads on February 11th. GooseChase, meanwhile, raked in 1,489 downloads on March 6th, while Actionbound, managed 1,385 downloads on February 11th.

iOS Downloads (January 1st, 2022 - April 10th, 2022)

This chart is similar to the last one, it depicts daily global downloads for the iOS versions of the top scavenger hunt apps between January 1st, 2022 and April 10th, 2022.

Once again, Geocaching leads the way by a wide margin — it’s been downloaded 2,527,322 times so far this year. Unlike the Android apps, however, the iOS version of GooseChase (163,377 downloads) clearly outperforms the iOS version of Actionbound (65,036 downloads).

As for single-day performances, Geocaching unsurprisingly set the high-water mark, with 31,487 downloads on March 28th. Then came GooseChase with 2,938 downloads on March 19th and Actionbound with 1,298 downloads on March 31st.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Geocaching is far and away the most popular of the scavenger hunt apps. It leads among both iOS and Android users and, since January 1st, it has been downloaded nearly ten times more than GooseChase and Actionbound combined.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to the old egg hunt, Geocaching might be fun to check out. Just be sure to bring your own candy!

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