Fastest Growing Apps: Rocket Game Studio Scores Big

According to our latest analysis, Merge Monster: Frog Evolution by Rocket Game Studio is the fastest growing app in the world over the last 30 days. Launched on April 15th, 2022, just 25 days ago, it has already generated 8,588,898 global downloads and currently sits among the top 100 ‘Arcade’ apps in 95 separate countries. Not too shabby.

However, the Philippines-based Rocket Game Studio didn’t stop there. We used our app intelligence solutions to analyze the top three fastest growing Android apps in the world.

Here’s what we found…

The Fastest Growing Android Apps

The fastest growing mobile apps in the world, as of May 10th, 2022 are (in order) Merge Monster: Frog Evolution by Rocket Game Studio, Yellow Baby Horror Hide & Seek by Rocket Game Studio, and Retro Battle by Yso Corp.

We already covered the success of Merge Monster: Frog Evolution. So let’s move on to Rocket Game Studio’s other blockbuster, the fantastically named Yellow Baby Horror Hide & Seek. Launched on April 21st (just 20 days ago!), this app has already yielded the Filipino app studio 5,040,255 global downloads. It’s ranked in the top 100 ‘Action’ apps in 82 countries worldwide.

Next, Retro Battle by Yso Corp is the third fastest growing app in the world. While its ratings are a little more muted when compared to the other two, it has nevertheless pulled in some 3,261,091 downloads since its April 12th launch. However, despite Retro Battle’s success, it has not yet managed to crack the top charts.

Finally, for the sake of comparison, here are the 30-day download trends for all three apps:

This chart tracks daily downloads between April 11th, 2022 and May 10th, 2022. As the key indicates, Merge Monster: Frog Evolution is in red, Yellow Baby Horror Hide & Seek is in blue, and Retro Battle is in green.

While each of the apps exploded following their respective launches, all three are now largely falling back to earth. The one exception may be Merge Monster: Frog Evolution, which has ticked back up, notching over 500,000 daily downloads. Still, this is a far cry from the 750,000+ it was receiving in early May.

Final Thoughts

Rocket Game Studio has had one heckuva month. Merge Monster: Frog Evolution and Yellow Baby Horror Hide & Seek combined for nearly 14 million downloads. However, with the exception of a few diamond-encrusted apps like TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, and YouTube, the global app market is a veritable revolving door. So, it will be interesting to see if either of these apps — or Retro Battle for that matter — can manage to carve out a stable presence on global top charts.

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