APIAd Tech
Ad Networks - Improve your Targeting with 42matters data

42matters offers data and insights that fit perfectly with the needs of Ad Networks for offering precise targeting to their advertisers. Ad Networks often lack additional information about apps registered in their system and waste valuable impressions on unsuitable audiences. Here is a short and non-exhaustive list of data points per app that can be useful in the field of ad-tech:

  • Officially declared app category - this is the category that app publishers choose when releasing apps on the stores. Categories vary on Google Play, Apple App Store but usually they are relatively descriptive and can narrow down targeting to the right audiences. For example the app Indeed is in the Business category on Google Play, so it is a good idea not to show for leisure-related campaigns.
Declared App Category

  • IAB categories for mobile apps - 42matters analyses app descriptions and other signals with ML techniques to map apps to the standardized IAB taxonomies for even better segmentation options. Back to the Indeed example, we can see that it not only maps to the IAB category Business, but also to Business and Finance, Job Search and Careers.
IAB Categories
IAB Categories

  • Content rating can signal that an app is inappropriate for certain audiences or highly attractive for others. For example family-friendly apps can appeal to parents.
Content Rating

  • App Audience - 42matters goes even deeper in the topic and with the help of Machine Learning techniques can give the big picture when it comes to the user base of a specific app. Our App Audience API sheds light on the gender distribution, the interests of the users and other apps the users are interested in.
App Insights

All this and much more can be obtained via 42matters APIs or raw data file downloadget in touch in case you are interested.

Get Started With 42matters Today!

At 42matters, we provide app insights, data, and analytics via a host of useful APIs, File Dumps, and web-based app intelligence platforms, like the 42matters Explorer, and the 42matters SDK Explorer.

These tools, which you can try free for 14-days, offer a comprehensive look at app market trends and statistics. This includes in-depth, visual insights into downloads, categories, top charts, rating and review analyses, and more. This data can be downloaded as a CSV file and leveraged however you like — in your own algorithms, analyses, products, studies, etc.

If you would like to learn more about our recent updates, or any other mobile app analytics from 42matters, schedule a free demo with one of our experts!

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File Dumps

File Dumps

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