App reviews are one of the best ways to find out what users really think about apps. The only problem is that they are unstructured and it's hard to get an overview about particular topics without scrolling through thousands of reviews.
That is why 42matters has analyzed hundreds of millions of reviews, both on Google Play and iTunes and has extracted clear and actionable results such as "positive UX sentiment", "negative Advertising sentiment", etc. Combining those filters together is a powerful way to stay ahead of the competition and be the first to discover hidden opportunities. We will now show you how to find apps, which have good general feedback and UX experience but the Advertising experience seems to be dissatisfactory to end users. Such apps might be a good lead target for companies who own a high-quality Advertising SDK and are looking for new integrations.
Jump to App Intelligence Explorer, scroll down to Review Analysis and select the following filters: General Feedback (positive), User Interface & UX (positive) and Advertising (negative). In that way you filter out all apps that do not fit into these criteria. We are left with a set of apps, whose metadata and developer contacts can now be exported and contacted.

Review Analysis is currently free for a month and can be accessed with a Professional plan after that. If you are a developer or publisher, who would like to make sense of your own app reviews, please feel free to contact us and we can help you with that.