Japan Mobile App Statistics 2024
Last update: 26 Jul 2024 CET
Japanese flag iconPlay Store icon

How Many Mobile Apps Have Been Built by Japanese Developers?

We’ve calculated the number of mobile Apps on Google Play iconGoogle Play that were built by Japanese developers.

Japanese flag icon
Japanese Apps

Total apps 2.05m+

Out of the 2,053,344 apps available on Google Play, 25,932 were built by Japanese developers.

The most downloaded of these apps are 楽天市場 - 楽天ポイントが貯まる日本最大級の通販アプリ, TVer(ティーバー) 民放公式テレビ配信サービス, ウェザーニュース 天気・雨雲レーダー・台風の天気予報アプリ, LINE: Calls & Messages and PayPay-ペイペイ.

How Many Mobile Apps Have Been Built by Japanese Developers? image

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