NEW: Expanded SDK, App Download, and Changelog Insights

The SDK Explorer now enables you to see which apps have installed or removed an SDK during a given month. The Explorer now provides Estimated Downloads and Changelog insights for any app going back as far as two and three years, respectively.

Over the last few months, we’ve added numerous new products and features to our suite of app intelligence solutions. These give our users insight into Apple privacy initiatives like App Privacy Details and App Tracking Transparency, access to app-ads.txt file dumps for all LG and Samsung connected TV (CTV) apps, the ability to track SDK downloads and installations across millions of iOS and Android apps, and much, much more.

Today, we’re pleased to announce three more improvements to our Explorer platforms — improved SDK integration insights in the SDK Explorer and enhanced Estimated Downloads and Changelog tools in the app market Explorer.

Click on the links below to jump to the corresponding section:

SDK Integrations — Apps That Have Installed / Removed an SDK During a Given Month

To begin, let’s take a look at the latest addition to the 42matters SDK Explorer. Back in May, we introduced the New Installations and Removals History feature, which gives users the ability to track the number of installs and removals for any SDK during a given month:

SDK Installs and Removals — 42matters.

We’ve taken this feature one step further. By clicking on any bar in a New Installations and Removals History bar chart, you’ll be able to see which apps have installed or removed an SDK during the corresponding month, with up to 100 results.

For instance, if you’re using the SDK Explorer to research the Android version of the AdColony SDK and you click on the bar representing New Installations in April 2021, you’ll pull up the following list:

Apps that added the AdColony SDK in April 2021 — 42matters

App Download History Feature Expanded to Two Years

One of the more popular features of our flagship Explorer platform is the Historical App Downloads chart, which provides country-specific daily, weekly, and monthly download insights:

App download history feature — 42matters

While previous versions of this feature limited insights to just 18 months, our users can now use it to view app downloads over any time period as far back as two years! Check it out:

App download history two years — 42matters

Changelog Feature Expanded to Three Years

Last, but not least, we also upgraded the Explorer’s Changelog feature to include all updates for any app as far back as three years:

Get Started With 42matters!

At 42matters, we provide app insights, data, and analytics via a host of useful APIs, file dumps, the 42matters Explorer, and the 42matters SDK Explorer.

These tools, which you can try free for 14-days, offer a comprehensive look at app market trends and statistics. This includes in-depth, visual insights into 1,300+ SDKs integrated across both iOS and Android apps.

If you would like to learn more about our recent updates, or any other mobile app analytics from 42matters, schedule a free demo with one of our experts!

Get Started With 42matters Today!

At 42matters, we provide app insights, data, and analytics via a host of useful APIs, File Dumps, and web-based app intelligence platforms, like the 42matters Explorer, and the 42matters SDK Explorer.

These tools, which you can try free for 14-days, offer a comprehensive look at app market trends and statistics. This includes in-depth, visual insights into downloads, categories, top charts, rating and review analyses, and more. This data can be downloaded as a CSV file and leveraged however you like — in your own algorithms, analyses, products, studies, etc.

If you would like to learn more about our recent updates, or any other mobile app analytics from 42matters, schedule a free demo with one of our experts!

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