Top 20 User Interface and Graphics SDKs Used in iOS Apps on the Apple App Store
We at 42matters have identified the 20 most popular User Interface and Graphics SDKs leveraged by iOS apps available on the iOS app market.
User Interface and Graphics SDKs can be used to build apps that require graphical user interfaces (GUI) and high-quality graphics. These SDKs enable developers to leverage UI components, layouts, styling, animation, and other graphical user interface-related capabilities for their apps.
This list is based on our analysis of the millions of mobile applications – and the 2,300+ SDKs they use – that constitute the vast inventory of the Apple App Store. The accompanying data provides readers with a glimpse into the rich mobile application insights generated by the 42matters technology. This data is also available via our APIs, file dumps, Explorer, and SDK Explorer.
The intended purpose of this article is to assist app builders in their search for the perfect User Interface and Graphics SDK to leverage in their app, as well as to give SDK developers insight into their biggest competitors and potential customers. This data collected by our technology may also serve as a useful tool for folks researching the wider mobile app market.
The 20 most widely-integrated user interface and graphics SDKs:

Apple UIKit
Check “Apple UIKit” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 99.95% have integrated Apple UIKit. This accounts for 99.98% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Apple UIKit.

Lottie by Airbnb
Check “Lottie by Airbnb” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 10.01% have integrated Lottie by Airbnb. This accounts for 30.21% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
Lottie is an iOS, Android, and React Native SDK. It renders After Effects animations in real time, allowing apps to use animations as if they used static images.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Lottie by Airbnb.

Check “MBProgressHUD” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 9.06% have integrated MBProgressHUD. This accounts for 12.45% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
MBProgressHUD is an iOS drop-in class SDK that displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some additional features.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use MBProgressHUD.

Check “IQKeyboardManager” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 6.87% have integrated IQKeyboardManager. This accounts for 4.42% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
IQKeyboardManager is a universal library SDK that prevents UI/UX issues, such as keyboards sliding up. It's a codeless, drop-in library that covers UITextField/UITextView. You won't need to write any code and there's no setup required.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use IQKeyboardManager.

Check “SVProgressHUD” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 6.00% have integrated SVProgressHUD. This accounts for 5.49% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The SVProgressHUD SDK is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS and tvOS.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use SVProgressHUD.

Check “Toast-Swift” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 4.86% have integrated Toast-Swift. This accounts for 1.36% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
Toast-Swift is a Swift extension SDK that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class. It is intended to be simple, lightweight, and easy to use. Most toast notifications can be triggered with a single line of code.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Toast-Swift.

Check “Calloutview” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 4.57% have integrated Calloutview. This accounts for <1% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The Calloutview SDK offers a lightweight callout view class for iOS mimicking UICalloutView system control.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Calloutview.

Check “SnapKit” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 3.97% have integrated SnapKit. This accounts for 6.49% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
SnapKit is a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and OS X. It's simple and expressive at chaining DSL and allows building constraints with minimal amounts of code while ensuring they are easy to read and understand.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use SnapKit.

Check “NVActivityIndicatorView” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 2.13% have integrated NVActivityIndicatorView. This accounts for 1.18% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The NVActivityIndicatorView SDK is a collection of awesome loading animations.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use NVActivityIndicatorView.

Check “TTTAttributedLabel” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.90% have integrated TTTAttributedLabel. This accounts for 5.75% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
TTTAttributedLabel is a drop-in replacement SDK for UILabel providing a simple way to performantly render attributed strings.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use TTTAttributedLabel.

Check “Masonry” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.88% have integrated Masonry. This accounts for 2.96% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
Masonry is a layout SDK which wraps AutoLayout with a nicer syntax. It has its own layout DSL, which provides a chainable way of describing NSLayoutConstraints.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Masonry.

Check “DACircularProgress” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.54% have integrated DACircularProgress. This accounts for 2.18% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The DACircularProgress SDK is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties. It was originally built to be an imitation of Facebook's photo progress indicator.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use DACircularProgress.

Among all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.49% have integrated Cosmos. This accounts for <1% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
Cosmos is a star rating control SDK for iOS and tvOS written in Swift.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use Cosmos.

Check “DropDown” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.42% have integrated DropDown. This accounts for <1% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
DropDown is a material design drop down SDK for iOS written in Swift.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use DropDown.

Check “ALToastView” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.41% have integrated ALToastView. This accounts for 3.76% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The ALToastView SDK facilitates Android's Toast messages for iOS apps.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use ALToastView.

Check “iCarousel” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.32% have integrated iCarousel. This accounts for 3.31% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
iCarousel is an SDK designed to simplify the implementation of various types of carousel (pages, scrolling views, etc.) on iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use iCarousel.

Check “TPKeyboardAvoiding” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.22% have integrated TPKeyboardAvoiding. This accounts for 2.05% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The TPKeyboardAvoiding SDK offers a drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use TPKeyboardAvoiding.

Check “MarqueeLabel” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, 1.12% have integrated MarqueeLabel. This accounts for 1.41% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
MarqueeLabel is a UILabel subclass that adds a scrolling marquee effect when the text of the label outgrows the available width. The label scrolling direction and speed can be specified.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use MarqueeLabel.

Check “ActionSheetPicker” SDK InsightsAmong all apps utilizing user interface and graphics SDKs, <1% have integrated ActionSheetPicker. This accounts for <1% of app downloads within the user interface and graphics SDK category.
The ActionSheetPicker SDK enables you to reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS apps.
Use the 42matters SDK Explorer to find all apps that use ActionSheetPicker.
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