PLAYBOOK: Account-Based Marketing for Mobile SDK Developers2 min read

Download our playbook: Account-Based Marketing for Mobile SDK Developers. Learn all about ABM, including the best tools for app publisher leads.

5 Ways Mobile Attribution Platforms Can Get Better Leads10 min read

Lead generation tips for mobile attribution platforms. How attribution SDK developers can use app, SDK, and app-ads.txt data to get better leads.

NEW: Publisher Metadata File Dump3 min read

Introducing the Publisher Metadata file dump! Use it to query app publishers and review their entire portfolio of Android and iOS apps.

SDK PLAYBOOK: How to Get App Publisher Leads1 min read

Download our SDK playbook to get app publisher leads. Learn how UXCam, a top app analytics company, used 42matters to supercharge lead generation.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) for Mobile SDK Developers13 min read

Introducing account-based marketing for Mobile SDK developers. Learn about the benefits of ABM and the top tips, tricks, and tools for SDK developers.

Meet 42matters at MWC24 Barcelona!3 min read

42matters is heading back to Mobile World Congress in Barcelona! We’re available to chat about supercharging your business with mobile and CTV app intelligence!

SDK Competitor Analysis: Find Apps that Use Competitor SDKs13 min read

How to conduct SDK Competitor Analysis. We cover the benefits of competitor analysis for SDK developers, the top metrics, the top tools and solutions, and more.

Top SDK Awards 2023: Analytics, Sales, & Marketing SDKs5 min read

Introducing 42matters’ SDK Badges! 42matters awards the top Software Development Kits (SDKs) for analytics, sales, & marketing integrated in iOS & Android apps.

Top SDK Awards 2023: App & Game Development SDKs6 min read

Introducing 42matters’ SDK Badges! 42matters awards the top Software Development Kits (SDKs) for app and game development integrated in iOS & Android apps.

Top SDK Awards 2023: App Features & Functionalities7 min read

Introducing 42matters’ SDK Badges! 42matters awards the top Software Development Kits (SDKs) for adding features and functionalities to iOS & Android apps.

NEW: SDK Performance and Installation Badges from 42matters3 min read

Introducing SDK Performance and Installation Badges from 42matters. Share them on GitHub, LinkedIn, webpages, and other digital and physical marketing content.

Top Mobile App Analytics Tools and SDKs13 min read

We’ve analyzed the most popular mobile app analytics SDKs on the market, including Amplitude, Flurry, Mixpanel, GameAnalytics, CleverTap, and UXCam.

Top App Monetization SDKs August 2023: AppLovin Wins Big5 min read

Top app monetization SDKs August 2023: Stats, trends, insights for the top Ad Network SDKs, Ad Mediation SDKs, Attribution SDKs, and Payment and Commerce SDKs.

Top SDKs for Mobile Games August 2023: Unity3D and FMOD3 min read

Top game SDKs and game engine SDKs August 2023: Unity3D, FMOD, GameAnalytics, Cocos2D-X, etc. Stats and trends for the top SDKs for mobile games.

Best SDK for Mobile Apps8 min read

Looking for the best SDK for mobile apps? See the top SDKs for: monetization, analytics, sales, marketing, security, privacy, development, AR, VR, etc.

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