Use CasesExplorer

How to Get App Download Statistics16 min read

Is there a way to get app download statistics? Yes! Services like 42matters [] that specialize in mobile app data and app store analytics can provide a variety of actionable download insights. These include estimates for total downloads and monthly/daily downloads by country. Now, some of our more astute readers will have caught onto that one word — estimates. And we confess, app downloads are tricky to pin down. Indeed, with millions of apps being uploaded, downlo

Use Cases

What Are Mobile App Analytics and Why Do They Matter?32 min read

Mobile app analytics refers to the systematic analysis of data collected from mobile apps and the broader mobile app economy. While mobile app analytics can be used for anything from market research to competitor analysis, it is most commonly deployed by developers to improve conversions, app performance, user experience, app store optimization (ASO), and more. At 42matters, for instance, we deliver mobile app analytics via a host of useful APIs and the 42matters Explorer [https://42matters.c

Use Cases

The Top Chinese Apps in India in 202023 min read

As of July 9th, 2020, there were 14,786 Android apps and 3,149 iOS apps available in India that were developed in China. Of these, there were 5,500 games on Google Play and 1,568 games on the Apple App Store. In this article, we’ll show you how to access the most comprehensive list of the top Chinese apps in India []. As already noted, the data that follows was pulled July 9th, 2020. However, if you use the 42matters Explorer [https://42matte

Use Cases

Financial App Market Research: 12 Ways 42matters Can Help30 min read

Now, this may come as a shock, but we here at 42matters are quite interested in the financial sector. We know; a Swiss company interested in banking and finance — quelle surprise! But we actually approach the industry from a different angle than most Swiss companies. You see, we’re focused on the mobile app economy. So, in this article, we’ll discuss how you can use app data from 42matters to conduct market research on the financial app sector. But first, some statistics: * There are more t

Use Cases

Facebook Messenger Rooms Enters Video Conferencing Market7 min read

Three weeks ago, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, revealed Messenger Rooms, the Social Media giant’s response to video conferencing platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom. This new product will enable users to create virtual “Rooms” to host online events, conference calls, product demos — you name it! According to Zuckerberg, Messenger Rooms is extremely easy to use. To invite users to a virtual event, users need only send them an automatically generated link. Then, to join, guests simply c

Use CasesAd Tech

3 Ways Ad Networks Use 42matters to Generate Leads5 min read

Mobile advertising is increasingly one of the hottest markets in the ad industry. In 2018, it was estimated that mobile ad spend globally would hit the $230 billion [] mark, with an estimated growth rate of more than 20%. In reality, it surpassed even those lofty expectations and reached roughly $283.35 billion []– driven by increasing compet

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