The latest intelligence from the world of mobile and connected TV (CTV) apps.


Daily App Downloads Statistics - for All Countries and All Android & iOS Apps3 min read

High-precision Estimates of Daily App Downloads  At 42matters we continuously analyze millions of mobile apps available in the Google Play Store and iOS App Store and infer valuable actionable insights. Our Data Science Team has developed unique Machine Learning algorithms that precisely estimate the number of downloads each published app receives per day. This data allows to easily track the app downloads statistics both per country and globally. Millions of data points are updated on a dail


Introducing API support for the Amazon Appstore1 min read

Exciting news - we have added support to the Amazon Appstore [] with the release of the new "Lookup API []" for all Android apps listed on the marketplace operated by []. With the Lookup API for Amazon Android Apps you can find an app that matches the specified ASIN on the Amazon Appstore and return full app details [] like title, price, developer name, rating, description, icon, screenshots, and


Meet us at MWC 2019 in Barcelona1 min read

Will you be attending Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 25-28 of February 2019? If yes, we would love to meet you there to discuss your current challenges in mobile marketing and advertising and explain how 42matters' products can help reaching better results. To setup a meeting, justfill the form here []:)


Versions History API for iOS and Android Apps2 min read

In this article we discuss the 42matters Versions History API, which enables users to track the version histories for all iOS and Android apps. Let's get started! What are App Versions and why should you care? Every time you download and install an app, it comes with a "version." Versioning is a critical component of a mobile app's upgrade and maintenance strategy: your mobile OS, Android or iOS, uses an app's version information to prevent downgrades. Usually, the version is represented by a


App-ads.txt release from IAB Tech Lab: what's in for you?4 min read

The Interactive Advertising Bureau Technology Laboratory (IAB Tech Lab) has released the app-ads.txt standard. We break down what this means for you. What is the IAB Technology Laboratory? TheInteractive Advertising Bureau [](IAB) is an advertising organization that develops industry standards, conducts research, and provides legal support for the online advertising industry. Its tech branch, theIAB Technology Laboratory [], helps companies implementin


How to find Apps Popular in a Country with the App Intelligence Explorer?3 min read

There are many apps on the Google Play and Apple App Store that are released specifically for a country, city, or even community. Those apps range from public services such as metro or train schedules, local banks, services for websites that are only active in a certain country, even games that are particular for the region. Discovering those apps can be hard, but sometimes they are the ones that are valuable for establishing local business relationships. Today we will show you how you can use d

APIAd Tech

Ad Networks - Improve your Targeting with 42matters data2 min read

42matters offers data and insights that fit perfectly with the needs of Ad Networks for offering precise targeting to their advertisers. Ad Networks often lack additional information about apps registered in their system and waste valuable impressions on unsuitable audiences. Here is a short and non-exhaustive list of data points per app that can be useful in the field of ad-tech: * Officially declared app category - this is the category that app publishers choose when releasing apps on the

SDK Intelligence and Lead Generation with 42matters App Intelligence Explorer2 min read

TheApp Intelligence Explorer []from 42matters is a versatile tool for market research and lead generation on Google Play and Apple App Store. One of the most used feature combinations is the SDK insights filter + CSV Exports and this is what we will showcase today. One piece of invaluable information in regards to mobile apps is the SDKs they've integrated. Those can reveal insights about how apps monetize, what kind of data they might be collecting, wha

Analysis of App Reviews Can Reveal Useful Business Insights2 min read

App reviews are one of the best ways to find out what users really think about apps. The only problem is that they are unstructured and it's hard to get an overview about particular topics without scrolling through thousands of reviews. That is why 42matters has analyzed hundreds of millions of reviews, both on Google Play and iTunes and has extracted clear and actionable results such as "positive UX sentiment", "negative Advertising sentiment", etc. Combining those filters together is a powerf


How to discover new games getting traction on Google Play3 min read

The ability to discover new apps that are getting traction on Google Play or Apple App Store can be extremely valuable for business. However, the sheer number of available apps makes this task impossible without having precise data about apps' release dates, app ranks in each country and store, ratings, etc. Even if this data is available it still requires a lot of internal resources such as data scientists working together with product managers to get the solution right. Luckily 42matters offer

File Dumps

How to open the 42matters sample file dumps with Excel2 min read

42matters provides app information and insights via an up-to-date, complete and consistent file feed, optimized for large-data ingestion. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to get started with thesample android app metadata enterprise dumps []. The structure and format is the same as the official file dumps and can be easily reused. The only tool that we will need is calledJQ []. It


Find the IAB Category For a Specific App2 min read

IAB []categories are an industry standard taxonomy []for content categorization. With our API for Android and iOS you can find the IAB categories for every mobile app and leverage the data of any IAB category. Why is that important? IAB categories are much more expressive than the categories on App Stores, respectively more than 1000 categories vs just (about) 50! Clearly not all millio


Meet us at Dmexco 2018 in Cologne1 min read

Will you be attending Dmexco in Cologne on 12-13 September 2018? If yes, we would love to meet you there to discuss your current challenges in mobile marketing and advertising and explain how 42matters' products can help reaching better results. To setup a meeting, justfill the form here []:)


42matters provides global app intelligence data for Statista3 min read

Smartphones have become ubiquitous for the average consumer and, as an effect, so have Apps.  The App economy is growing at a staggering rate, though, and for developers the importance of measuring the App market is more important than ever.  Understanding the latest developments and demographics to help increase App engagement and reaching the most relevant audiences are top of mind. 42matters provide insights on the global App audience and demographics by providing App Market Data and Mobile

Mobile Advertising

Finding Your Place in the Mobile App Market8 min read

The mobile app market is growing – and with it, a wide range of opportunities for developers, marketers, and more. Mobile enterprise has long been hailed as the ‘next biggest market [],’ with the average amount of timespent browsing []each month on a mobile device up to 66 hours in the UK. Mobile apps, on the other hand, clock around 2.3hours of use []every day per user. With around 4.93 billionsmart

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App Intelligence Data

Flexible Access to 42matters' App Intelligence Data


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File Dumps

File Dumps

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